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FAQs on DBOE On-Chain CLOB logic
DBOE On-Chain CLOB logic
1. What is the methodology to calculate the mark price (or reference price)?
Last updated
10 months ago
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1. What is the methodology to calculate the mark price (or reference price)?
2. Can we have some illustrations on the mark price methodology?
3. Noticed the first spread level is 0, how does it help?
4. Any constraints when submitting an order?
5. How to query all the configurations of on-chain CLOB?
6. Would LMT order trigger matching?
7. What would happen if a MKT order is submitted?
8. Who is going to pay for the gas fee when submitting orders?
9. Any suggestion to adjust gas fee when the network is unable to predict it?
10. What is the rough estimation of gas fee so far?
11. What are the order submission steps and the Min. Allowance in DBOE?